You have been looking at the offers on the market and you are confused? No wonder. There is no universal definition of what an agile coach does. That's why it's all the more important to get the most comprehensive understanding possible about your future role and how relevant it is to your career advancement to choose the right training.
You are curious and want to understand what makes our training so special, how it works and what makes the unique Brainbirds experience? And above all, you would like to know what you will be able to do afterwards? Then we welcome you to our short, concise live online introduction!
Simply book in for an appointment of your choice and get all your questions answered and find out how relevant and exciting the topic is for you or your company!
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Hier findest du Antworten auf häufig gestellte Fragen zu unseren Dienstleistungen, Produkten und Abläufen. Bei weiteren Fragen helfen wir dir gerne weiter!
No, our goal is to show you the differences of our trainings and to answer your open questions. A booking is not obligatory after that.
No, we have not had our trainings certified. We collect the preferences of the participants before and during the trainings and adapt modules according to these wishes if necessary. In this way, we also work directly on the product in an agile manner. No institute allows such a customer- and user-centered adaptation of the content.
No previous experience is necessary. Everyone starts with different skills.
Hi folks, I participated in a so called "Agile Labs" Training by Brainbirds. Skilled and experienced trainers provided a well-balanced format: Theories blocks were followed by practical examples which assigned groups had to work on in break outs. That made the whole thing really challenging, however, it triggered a thought process in me. Equipped with tools, theories, material, and useful exercises along the learnt I am open and skilled now to add impact in my VUCA+ worlds. Thanks. Highly recommended!
Was really good training. Thanks a lot!
The Agile Coach Module is well balanced in regard to its theoretical and practical content and the trainers are very experienced. The whole format is well organized and structured. Thank you for the experience!
Second training with BrainBirds. High quality content, great coach that can adapt the content to the group wishes. Can only recommend
Loved my workshop. Great trainer and coole tools.
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