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Design Thinking Coach Ausbildung

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Design Thinking Coach Certification: Become an Expert in Innovative Processes

Already familiar with Design Thinking and looking to deepen your expertise? In our three-day Design Thinking Coach training, you’ll develop your role as a coach, empowering others to create and implement innovations through Design Thinking. With hands-on exercises, you’ll strengthen your user-centric perspective, hone your creative thinking, and create real innovations. Interactive sessions equip you with all the necessary skills and tools to successfully design and manage projects—even integrating the latest technologies like AI.

This certification goes beyond teaching an agile method; it immerses you in a mindset that ensures successful implementation in projects and processes! Please note: Prior knowledge of Design Thinking and initial application experience is required. These fundamentals will not be repeated. If you’re unfamiliar with the methods and tools provided in the toolbox we sent you, we recommend completing our Design Thinking Seminar first.

Please note: Basic knowledge of design thinking and initial practical experience are required for this training. This content will not be repeated. If you are not familiar with the methods and tools of design thinking, we would ask you to first attend our design thinking seminar.

The Design Thinking Coach Training is suitable for you, if…

  • … you want to deepen your knowledge in agile innovation development.
  • … you aim to support others in creating and implementing innovations through Design Thinking.
  • … you seek to expand your skills in facilitating innovation workshops.
  • … you want to design and oversee innovative projects.

After the Design Thinking Coach Training, you will be able to…

… apply a variety of new tools from your Design Thinking toolbox in the innovation process. … plan and lead targeted Design Thinking workshops and guide teams in these sessions. … lead successful innovation projects within teams using Design Thinking. … design and implement Design Thinking frameworks in teams or organizations.

Your Benefits at a Glance

Benefit iconInteractive Learning

Three days of interactive learning and interdisciplinary exchange.

Benefit iconTools & Methods

Practical tools and methods for your personal toolbox.

Benefit iconAI Applications

Tips & tricks for using AI in the Design Thinking process.

Benefit iconCertification

Recognized certificate and digital badge showcasing your new skills.

Benefit iconFree Templates

Access to application-oriented frameworks and canvases available for download.

Benefit iconIndividual Feedback and Coaching

Personalized coaching with our experienced trainers.

Benefit iconInterdisciplinary Exchange

Deep discussions and reflections in groups and individually.

Benefit iconInteractive Learning

Three days of interactive learning and interdisciplinary exchange.

Einzelpersonen / Teams mit bis zu 5 Plätzen
  • 3 Tage
  • Präsenz oder Live-Online
  • Lvl. 3 – Experte
  • Vorkenntnisse erforderlich
zzgl. Ust.
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208 Rezensionen
AgendaHow the training is structured

Day 1
  • 5 modules x 90 min.
  • 09:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Lunch break from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
VUCA+ Context, Transformation and Design Thinking
Modul ·
90 minutes
Design Thinking Mindset and Processes
Modul ·
90 minutes
Design Thinking Preparation and Phase 0
Modul ·
90 minutes
Design Thinking Phase "Understand"
Group task ·
90 minutes
Day 2
  • 4 modules x 90 min.
  • 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
  • Lunch break from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Design Thinking Phase "Observe"
Group task ·
90 minutes
Design Thinking Phase "POV"
Group task ·
90 minutes
Design Thinking Phase "Ideate"
Group task ·
90 minutes
Design Thinking Phase "Prototype & Test"
Group task ·
90 minutes
Day 3
  • 5 modules x 90 min.
  • 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM
  • Lunch break from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Practical Transfer: Design Thinking Workshop & Implementation
Transfer Session ·
90 minutes
Design Thinking Workshop Conception
Modul ·
90 minutes
Design Thinking Workshop Implementation
Modul ·
90 minutes
Design Thinking Implementation in Firms
Modul ·
90 minutes
Trainer:innenLerne von unseren Expert:innen
Quote IconIt is never wrong to do the right thing!
AndyFreelance trainer / coach
  • Agile Transformation, Leadership & New Work
  • 20 years of practical experience as Entrepreneur, Manager & Executive
  • Expert for Storytelling & Communication, Keynote Speaker
  • Diploma in Business Administration, Media and Information Management
Quote IconMake. Change. Simply.
DennisFreelance trainer / coach
  • Innovation, Artificial Intelligence & Leadership
  • Future Work Skills Expert
  • Trained Coach (DBVC certified)
  • German-French double diploma in International Management
Quote IconYour good idea gave me a great idea
StephanFreelance trainer / coach
  • Innovation & New Work
  • Innovation development & design methods
  • Agile Coach, Scrum Master, Product Owner, Systemic Organizational Development/ Consulting
  • LEGO Serious Play Facilitator
Quote IconYou are only as good as the decision you make.
FritzFreelance trainer / coach
  • Innovation, Collaboration, New Work, Strategy & Leadership
  • Many years of management experience in the ICT and FMCG environment (10+ years)
  • Startup Founder & Advisor
  • Lecturer at university of applied science in the field of Collaboration, New Work & Innovation
Offiziell zertifiziertDein Zertifikat & Digital Badge
  • Offizielles Zertifikat nach Abschluss des Lernformats
  • Digitales Badge für dein LinkedIn-Profil und CV
  • Anerkannter Nachweis deiner neuen Kompetenzen und deiner beruflichen Weiterentwicklung
  • Einfacher Download und sofortige Verfügbarkeit
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FAQOffene Fragen?

Hier findest du Antworten auf häufig gestellte Fragen zu unseren Dienstleistungen, Produkten und Abläufen. Bei weiteren Fragen helfen wir dir gerne weiter!

What prior knowledge do I need to have?

Basic knowledge of the design thinking method. At best you attend our design thinking seminar with a 50% discount in combination with the training.

Is it possible to reschedule the seminar to a different date or topic?

A free rescheduling is possible for live online sessions up to 10 days before the seminar begins and for in-person sessions up to 21 days before the seminar begins. After this period, a one-time rescheduling fee of €100 (net) will be charged. Please contact us at and let us know which seminar you'd like to switch to.

Is the training state-approved?

We have not had our training certified. We collect the preferences of the participants before and during the training and adapt modules according to these wishes as needed. In this way, we also work directly on the agile product. No institute allows such a customer- and user-centered adaptation of the content.

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BewertungenDas sagen unsere Kund:innen
Gerd P.
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Hi folks, I participated in a so called "Agile Labs" Training by Brainbirds. Skilled and experienced trainers provided a well-balanced format: Theories blocks were followed by practical examples which assigned groups had to work on in break outs. That made the whole thing really challenging, however, it triggered a thought process in me. Equipped with tools, theories, material, and useful exercises along the learnt I am open and skilled now to add impact in my VUCA+ worlds. Thanks. Highly recommended!

Battsengel I.
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Was really good training. Thanks a lot!

Dorothee G.
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The Agile Coach Module is well balanced in regard to its theoretical and practical content and the trainers are very experienced. The whole format is well organized and structured. Thank you for the experience!

Marjolaine C.
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Second training with BrainBirds. High quality content, great coach that can adapt the content to the group wishes. Can only recommend

Gabriele W.
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Loved my workshop. Great trainer and coole tools.

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Giusi Rignanese
Giusi RignaneseSpecialist Client Relations+49 89 413 29 75 -
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