Our formats and modules lay the foundation for modern, resource-efficient, and tailored learning and development within your organization. With our free modules for HR development professionals, you’ll learn in just 90 minutes how to design targeted learning initiatives with Brainbirds – for maximum impact while optimizing your budget.
Our regular training sessions not only enable you to select and create the right formats for your organization at any time but also keep you up to date with the latest developments in the HR world.
In just 90 minutes, you’ll learn how to design modular learning paths for your employees that are impactful and aligned with your resources.
As a member of the HR Community, you’ll benefit from free workshops, exclusive content, and tools. At the same time, networking with other HR development professionals fosters long-term knowledge transfer and inspires new approaches.
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“Erstaunlich, wie einfach man modular und flexibel individuelle Trainingslösungen konzipieren kann!”
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